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19. 10. 2022 - Conference Future of Urban Mobility in the Context of Societal Challenges

Form of the conference: face-to-face
Download the program: here
Registration: closed

The objective of the conference is to present and discuss options for further development of sustainable mobility in cities in light of new societal challenges (health, safety, energy, environmental, etc.).

The conference will present research results coming from analyses of unique data obtained as part of the projects “Travel behaviour changes caused by COVID-19 and their societal impacts” (supported by the Czech Technological agency) and “Smart City – Smart Region – Smart Community” (supported from OP VVV). It will present results of analyses of data from repeated mobility surveys among urban citizens during the whole COVID-19 period and discuss long-term impacts of the pandemic on travel behaviour of households. Besides, the conference will discuss experience of institutions in charge of organizing and developing city-level transport systems. Top international experts on sustainable mobility will complete the picture with international context and experience.

Download presentations:

1/ Brůhová-Foltýnová - Představení projektu TAČR
2/ Vácha - Představení panelu a výsledků rozhovorů
3/ Brůha - Potenciál online aktivit
4/ Jordová - Instituce za covid
5/ Tennøy - Future of urban mobility
6/ Brůhová-Foltýnová - Balíček pro města
7/ Kaszubowski - Education of mobility managers – S@Mpler training materials
8/ Guikink - CIVITAS Introduction
9/ Strnadová - Cyklistika MHD
10 - Vávrová - Mobilita UJEP
11/ Vejchodská - Volba místa bydliště
12/ Závěrečná diskuse
13/ Shiftan


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Institute for Economic
and Environmental Policy

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
Moskevská 54
Ústí nad Labem
400 96
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